Monday 26 November 2012



  1. The leading character or a major character in a drama, movie, novel, or other fictional text.
  2. The main figure or one of the most prominent figures in a real situation




  1. The alteration of something from its original course, meaning, or state to a distortion or corruption of what was first intended.
  2. Sexual behavior or desire that is considered abnormal or unacceptable.



  1. The science of the causes and effects of diseases, esp. the branch of medicine that deals with the laboratory examination of samples of...
  2. Pathological features considered collectively; the typical behavior of a disease


  1. Prove more powerful than opposing forces; be victorious: "it is hard for logic to prevail over emotion".
  2. Be widespread in a particular area at a particular time; be current: "an atmosphere of crisis prevails"



An earlier event or action regarded as an example or guide to be considered in subsequent similar circumstances.


  1. The tendency to derive pleasure, esp. sexual gratification, from one's own pain or humiliation.
  2. (in general use) The enjoyment of what appears to be painful or tiresome.



(of a cruel or violent action) Deliberate and unprovoked.

A sexually immodest or promiscuous woman.



Having or showing a wish to do evil to others.



  1. A figment of the imagination; an illusion or apparition.
  2. An illusory likeness of something.





















Tuesday 3 July 2012

An Endeavour into Interest

I feel more comfortable writing in the center of the page
But sometimes I do agree a change can be nice.
Just not at this very second. Clearly.

We have been asked to keep a cultural journal as a summer project.
I have one of these
I want it to walk hand in hand with a new leaf of blog.
A gruesome twosome at its finest.
 Both combining as a record of intrigue.

I need to get my head back in the game, the game cat stole it superficially.

An exploration into sickly sweet vocabulary and dirt cheap grammar.
How much is the spoken word taken for literal meaning?
Is to purposely choose to use incorrect vocabulary a matter of stupidity and ignorance or is there room for intirigue?

Anyone can use interesting terminology, anyone can use 'big words', despite whether they know in fact what they are talking about.
I personally have a fancy for incorrect grammar and vocabulary but does that make me ignorant?
I believe the key point in this is knowledge, to use something out of context but with prior understanding of its original intention, allows for an alternate perception minus complete stupidity.

My mind has a habit of tying itself in knots, loosing how it got there in the first place.
I can think better when I'm busy, I can act better when I'm busy,
Who is too deem what is better
But when I slow my brain slows, thoughts get lost, swallowed deep within.

An intention for this blog is to chow down on igorance, to make records of points of interest, too loosen the knots, a record of what keeps me keen,
keeps the clock ticking.